Monday, October 22, 2007

what time is it?

How do you ask the time in Japanese? i ma nan ji des ka? - what's the time now?
How do you answer?
"ji" = o'clock
1:00 i chi ji
2:00 ni ji
3:00 san ji
4:00 yo ji
5:00 goh ji
6:00 ro ku ji
7:00 shi chi ji
8:00 ha chi ji
9:00 ko ji
10:00 ju ji
11:00 ju i chi ji
12:00 jiu ni ji
:05 goh hun
:15 jiu go hun
:25 ni jiu go hun
:35 san jiu go hun
:45 yong jiu go hun
:55 goh jiu goh hun
:10 jiu pun
:20 ni jiu pun
:30 san jiu pun
:40 yong jiu pun
:50 goh jiu pun
Answer eg. "i ma (now) san ji go hun (3:05)des"